ADAPT-NMR Output Files



1.       Probabilistic chemical shift assignment of the backbone in PINE format

2.       Probabilistic chemical shift assignment of the sidechain if peak lists is provided by the user

3.       Chemical shift assignment in NMRSTAR (BMRB) 2.1 format

4.       Probabilistic chemical shift assignment in NMRSTAR (BMRB) 3.1 format

5.       Probabilistic secondary structure of the protein

6.       Probabilistic 3D peak lists and their corresponding spin system indexes

7.       3D peak list in SPARKY format

8.       3D peak list assignment in SPARKY format

9.       2D peak lists of orthogonal and tilted planes and their corresponding 3D peak list indexes

10.   2D peak lists of orthogonal and tilted planes in SPARKY format

11.   Hypothetical projection of 3D peaks into orthogonal and tilted planes

12.   Workspace file