Probabilistic 3D Peak Lists and Their Corresponding Spin System Indexes





ADAPT-NMR provides probabilistic 3D peak lists for all the experiments collected in 2D:



The example shown here represents a portion of the CBCA(CO)NH peak list from the RI-Brazzein protein.

The first column is the 3d_peak_id that are used to link the 3D peak with its projection in 2D orthogonal and tilted planes.

w1, w2, and w3 column represent the chemical shift value for 1H, 13C, and 15N respectively.

The Probability column represents the probability that the peak is a real NMR peak vs. noise or artifact. ADAPT-NMR reports the peaks with at least 12% probability of being real; however, it does not take into account any peak with less than 25% probability in the assignment process unless no suitable peaks can be found in the 25%-100% range.

Spin_System_id represents the index of the most probable corresponding spin system. These are particularly useful for any post-processing. ADAPT-NMR Enhancer, a comprehensive visualization and edition tool for ADAPT-NMR will intensively use these attributes.



 3d_peak_id    w1       w2        w3    Probability   Spin_System_id


       83     7.826    32.039    116.080      0.942       36

       77     9.324    29.130    116.029      0.942       34

       53     8.868    36.809    127.984      0.939       23

       89     8.372    58.423    118.945      0.936       38

       64     8.111    28.686    120.113      0.935       28

       51     8.136    32.232    119.999      0.934       22

       69     9.072    52.226    118.013      0.932       30

      152     6.581    40.419    111.959      0.931       60

       82     7.826    59.383    116.080      0.929       36

       76     9.324    58.246    116.029      0.928       34

       88     8.290    31.927    113.326      0.927       37

       92     8.282    46.880    119.168      0.925       39

       52     8.868    55.247    127.984      0.925       23




       45     7.517    54.445    117.131      0.127        0

       13     8.241    39.014    116.787      0.127        7

      107     9.235    63.710    121.841      0.125        0

      405     8.999    44.623    135.457      0.125        0

      276     8.364    56.007    121.040      0.123        0

      196     7.786    25.747    120.810      0.123        0

      188     8.005    49.327    125.614      0.123        0

       79     8.559    55.035    126.076      0.122        0