PACSY-ALIGN Instructions
PACSY-ALIGN is a web server that provides useful information for efficient protein 3D structure determination.
It finds ten closest entries to your protein in the Protein Data Bank, analyzes structural properties, generates 3D-NOESY assignments.
The NOE assignments can be refined by new “Label” function in the Read Peak List window (two-letter-code: rp) of NMRFAM-Sparky. Distance constraints generated from the assignments (two-letter-code: gd or xf) and angle constraints from PACSY-ALIGN are already good for calculating your structure. Also, they guide automated NOE assignments in PONDEROSA-C/S and CYANA by providing global fold information from homologous relatives.
Input File:
Output Files:
Overall report for similar proteins
Sequence alignment and structural analysis results towards PDB data
Assignments of 2D and 3D-NOESY (15N/13C/Aro), and distance constraints
Assignments of user 3D-NOESY (15N/13C/Aro), and distance constraints
Extracted sequences from user input (1-letter, 3-letter formats)
PECAN secondary structure prediction
TALOS-N predicted torsion angle and RCI S2 prediction (PONDEROSA/CYANA/XPLOR format constraints)