Download and Install ADAPT-NMR on Bruker
To install ADAPT_NMR follow these steps:
1) Download and save the ADAPT-
2) Create and cd to your adapt_src directory (e.g. mkdir /home/whlee/adapt_src; cd /home/whlee/adapt_src)
3) Run the unzip command from within this directory (e.g. unzip /home/whlee/
4) Run (e.g. python
5) Go to adapt_src/adapt_nmr/libraries directory and install the MATLAB libraries - this will take a few minutes
(e.g. cd /home/whlee/adapt_src/adapt_nmr/libraries ; and then Follow the instruction in readme.txt)
6) Go to essentials directory (e.g. cd /home/whlee/adapt_src/essentials) and update the first two lines of parameters.txt file as follows:
-adapt_home : should be the directory where adapt_nmr was installed, e.g.: /home/whlee/adapt_src/adapt_nmr
-nmrpipe_source : should point to the NMRPipe source file required to run NMRPipe (it comes with NMRPipe)
7) Follow instructions in strategy_B.README in
the essentials directory to run ADAPT_